Georgie and Mandy get married! Meanwhile, Meemaw’s gambling room gets raided, on "Young Sheldon" Thursday, April 11 (8:00-8:31 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and streaming on Paramount+.
Jonesoffered a glimpse into her character‘s state of mind whenGeorgie & Mandy’s First Marriagekicks off, adding, “[Audrey] has got a successful intelligent adult daughter and [Mandy] just married a kid and had a baby with him. There’s a lot of Audrey that can say what the audience...
While Georgie and Mandy do love their family, their interactions can be somewhat dysfunctional. For example, Mandy and Audrey frequently argue, and Audrey consistently disrespects Georgie behind his back. (Georgie eventually confronts Audrey about her disrespectful behavior.) Jim also laughs at a rude...
Will Mandy and Georgie Get Married In Young Sheldon? Neither Mandy nor Constance were ever referenced inThe Big Bang Theory. When Georgie made an appearance, he never mentioned having a wife and child, although Sheldon did say that his brother has had several failed marriages. This means that ...
That's sweet, you started with lies and ended with love. 我正相反 I went the other way. 有人吗 Hello? 那是我儿子 我们在这 Oh, that's my son. In here. 嘿- 嘿 托德 Hey. - Hey, Todd. 托德 这两位是曼迪和小乔治 Todd, this is Mandy and Georgie. ...
And...? 小乔治 Georgie. 所以你觉得我们重新开始好吗 So what do you think? Can we start over? 我愿意 I would like that. 很好 Great. 我准备带丝丝去看医生 I'm gonna take CeeCee to her doctor's appointment. 你想一起来吗 Do you want to come with us? 谢谢 我会来的...
Yep.Andwefellinlove. 真好你们的关系始于谎言终于相爱 Thatssweet,youstartedwithliesandendedwithlove. 我正相反 Iwenttheotherway. 有人吗 Hello? 那是我儿子我们在这 Oh,thatsmyson.Inhere. 嘿-嘿托德 Hey.-Hey,Todd. 托德这两位是曼迪和小乔治 Todd,thisisMandyandGeorgie. 小乔治库珀 GeorgieCooper? 是我...
Georgie Mandys First Marriage《乔治和曼迪的头婚生活(2024)》第一季第二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,老乔治库珀 1952年-1994年 好丈夫 好父亲 好爷爷 好教练 一名好的教练可以改变比赛 一名伟大的教练可以改变你的人生 嘿 老爸 Hey, Dad. 我现在在上班路上 On my way to
WerehavingThanksgivingwithGeorgie. 我期待这次露营很久了 Ivebeenlookingforwardtothisformonths. 亲爱的我也是 Oh,Iknow,honey.Ihave,too. 我们几点来啊 Whattimeyouwantus? 你姥姥和戴尔会过来 YourmeemawandDalearecoming. 如果你也来的话 Ijustthinkitwouldmeanalottoyourbrother 对你哥来说意义会很大 ifyoucould...
Really hope you can keep this show going and have to only twist a few of the Big Bang Theory to Fit. The whole family thing is so true with all the added humor of those days! Reply Kyle April 15, 2022 at 10:30 AM I know The Big Bang Theory mentioned Georgie’s and Missy’s ...