This page includes the following topics and synonyms: Mandible Anatomy, Mandible, Jaw Anatomy, Temporomandibular Joint Anatomy, Temporomandibular Joint, Masticatory Muscles, Muscles of Mastication.
Anatomy The mandible is a horseshoe shaped bone of the viscerocranium. It consists of the body and two rami, connected at the angle of mandible. Body The body of mandible is its horizontal portion. It consists of two parts: The alveolar part The base of mandible The alveolar part ...
In the present work, comparative anatomy of mandible of Asian palm civet and Domestic cat was investigated. In both species, the two halves of mandible articulated to form symphysis mandibularis. The entire mandible comprised of a body, two horizontal rami and two vertical rami. The body showed...
10、recedingmandible下颌骨后退 11、mandiblex-ray 下颌骨x线 12、mandibledefinition 下颌骨定义 13、digastric fossa ofmandible下颌骨二腹窝 14、fracturedmandible下颌骨骨折 15、ramus ofmandible[解剖]下颌支 16、mandiblemuscles 下颌骨肌肉 17、mandibleanatomy 下颌骨解剖学 ...
man•di•ble(man′də bəl),USA pronunciationn. Anatomythe bone of the lower jaw. Birds(in birds) the lower part of the bill. mandibles, the upper and lower parts of the bill. Invertebrates(in arthropods) one of the first pair of mouthpart appendages, typically a jawlike biting...
68.2Surgical Anatomy of the Mandible (Fig.68.1a, b) Mandible is the sturdiest bone of the face with strong basal bone and the alveolar part housing the dentition. The near round protuberances seen bilaterally at the cephalic end of the mandible are called condyles, and they form its articul...
Anatomy The mandible is one of the twenty-two bones that make up the skull and the only one of those bones that is not fused to its neighbors. It is often called the lower jawbone as it is located inferior to the maxillae, which contain the top row of teeth. Stretching from the left...
This paper reports on one supernumerary tooth permanent in lower incisor region encountered in a dry adult human mandible, gender male, belonging to the anatomy laboratory of the Department of Basic Sciences of Faculty of Dentistry of Ara莽atuba, Paulista State University, Brazil.Rossi AC...
1. Anatomy a. The part of the body joining the head to the shoulders or trunk. b. A narrow or constricted area of a bodily structure, as of a bone, that joins its parts; a cervix. c. The part of a tooth between the crown and root. 2. The part of a garment around or near...
The topographic anatomy outlines 3 portions of the rabbit mandible.5,6 1. The incisive part, in which the 2 mandibles are joined rostrally by the mandibular symphysis. This portion includes the reserve crown and apex of the incisor teeth. 2. The body of the mandible, which includes the res...