3 more mandatory vaccines for Ontario schoolchildrenSteven LewisHealthcarepapers
High vaccination coverage is necessary to protectpublic healthvia what's known asherd immunity. And vaccines are regarded as among our mostcost-effective public health measures. Some argue thatchildrenthemselveshave a right to be vaccinatedto protect againstsometimes fataldiseases. Mandatory vaccination o...
At the end of the day, one cannot deny the fact that the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) as paid out nearly four billion dollars to families of children who have been injured by vaccines,and that only accounts for 1 percent of vaccine injuriesbecause the majority of them go ...
Broken down by province, support for a mandatory vaccine was a view shared highest in Atlantic Canada, at 63 per cent, followed by 62 per cent in Ontario. The poll found 52 per cent of respondents from Manitoba and Saskatchewan support a mandatory vaccines, the lowest across all provinces....
Smith says mandatory vaccination is not ethically justified at the moment in schools because vaccines are not currently authorized for children. He does, however, suggest mandatory vaccination in health care settings may be ethically justified, but if vaccination is made a condition of employment, the...