A similar pattern of rising reports and declining proportions of investigations and substantiations is present in other states with broad mandatory reporting requirements. Mandatory reporting wasintroduced in New South Wales in 1977, and recently extended under the NSW Children's andYoung Persons (Care...
Not really. Someearly researchshowed older drivers in jurisdictions with more stringent rules (such as NSW) were no less likely to be injured or killed in a traffic crash than people in states with voluntary reporting requirements (such as Victoria). This finding points to the need for multi-...
When the NSW state government implemented the policy and it began to deliver higher rates of vaccine coverage,Telegraphreporting continually emphasised the campaign’s role in the policy change (Hansen,2014a,2014b), a framing that could generate a sense of efficacy and positive psychological reward ...
A few participants who already had significant research experience (e.g. PhD) prior to specialty training expressed frustration that their prior experience was often not recognised by the College as it did not fit the rigid College research project requirements; “Frankly, I think it was kind of...
Extensive studies have examined the financial performance of green buildings in recent years. The results have frequently observed that the premium of green buildings is time-varying and dependent on the study period and markets being examined. Further,