elder abuseadult protective service investigatorForty-four states and the District of Columbia have laws providing that individuals who assume the care or custody of the elderly are considered mandatory reporters and must report suspected abuse. A mandatory reporter is a person required by law to ...
thatanymandatoryreporter,includingalicensedvocational nurseorpsychiatrictechnician,whohasknowledgeof,orobserves,achildinhisorherprofessionalcapacityor withinthescopeofhisorheremploymentwhomheorsheknowsorreasonablysuspectshasbeenthevictimof childabuseorneglecttoreporttheknownorsuspectedinstanceofchildabuseorneglect...
New billboard designedto help end elder abuse ; Wyoming is a mandatory reporting state, which means anyone with reason to suspect abuse or neglect of another person is required, by law, to report it. Call law enforcement or 1-800-457-3659 to report the crime....
elder abusemandatory reporteradult protective services (APSElder abuse is a societal problem that influences all members of the community. By 1993 each state had enacted laws addressing elder abuse in domestic and institutional settings (Tatara, 1995). These laws take many different forms, and in ...
State mandatory reporting of child and elder abuse: A challenge to the privacy of penitential communicationsScott, Jeffery Warren
elderabuseMandatoryeducationmandatoryreporterElder abuse is a societal problem that influences all members of the community. By 1993 each state had enacted laws addressing elder abuse in domestic and institutional settings (Tatara, 1995). These laws take many different forms, and in 44 states and ...
Unfortunately, due to a variety of factors, elder abuse is a tragically under-reported crime. Experts estimate that for every case of elder abuse revealed to law enforcement authorities, five more cases go unreported, allowing the abuse to continue unchecked.To combat this secrecy surrounding elder...
By Linda Navarro, The Gazette, linda.navarro@gazette.com -The elderly aren't cute like babies and...Navarro, Linda
Pomerance, Benjamin PieterSocial Science Electronic PublishingPomerance, Benjamin `Finding the Middle Ground on a Slippery Slope: Balancing Autonomy and Protection in Mandatory Reporting of Elder Abuse' (2015) 16 Marquette Benefits & Social Welfare Law Review 439...
Reporting elder abuse: voluntary or mandatory.Silva, T W