Mandated reporters are professionals who have regular contact with children and are therefore legally required to report suspected child abuse. The Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training Project provides training for all mandated child abuse reporters so
In order to maintain compliance with California State laws for mandated reporters, the general training course is a required prerequisite for all of the profession-specific trainings. You will see the general training course required in all profession-specific trainings. Altogether, the general training...
This refers to the duty of a counselor, therapist to breach one of the most important bonds between a client and a therapist; the law of confidentiality. The therapist has the right to break confidentiality without the fear of being brought up for legal action. If the therapist believes that...
completion of the California general mandated reporter training. I completed the training around a week ago‚ and will use that certificate and experience to complete this assignment. The training is extensive and states to set aside 4 hours to complete the modules in the training. The training...