Mandated reporters are required to report a “reasonable suspicion” (Narang and Melville, Legal issues in child maltreatment2014) rather than knowledge of abuse.Health care practitionersneed not, and generally should not, investigate or otherwise verify their concerns prior to reporting. Many physicians...
In order to understand those laws and how they affect mandated reporters one needs to know some basics about the legal system. In this chapter the term jurisdiction is used frequently. The term can have different meanings depending on how it is used. The specific language for what conduct a ...
Objective: This study investigates the opinions of social workers, pediatricians, and physician assistants in their support for the existing child maltreatment mandated reporting policy and an alternative reporting policy. Differences in professional training, age, gender, reporting behavior, attitudes towards...
However, the article also exposed possible issues that, if addressed, could help in the battle against dangerous people or situations. For example, the article reviewed training requirements for people designated as mandated reporters — people who are required by law to report child abuse to ...
Free Essay: Mandated Reporting Issues The first example that I would like to discuss is suspected child abuse or neglect. Every state now has a statute that...
There were small differences in reporting judgments and patterns as a function of type of abuse. The implications of these findings for mandated reporter behavior are discussed. 展开 关键词: Reporting Decision-making/decision-making process Intentions to report Mandated reporters ...
Special issues related to child abuse reporting for child care providers The Child Care Providers training may take you up to 4 hours to complete. Please Note In order to maintain compliance with California State laws for mandated reporters, the general training course is a required prerequisite ...
Nurses, teachers, therapists, and just about anyone in the state of Pennsylvania who works with children must be trained on how to recognize and inform authorities about child abuse.
Who mandated reporters are When mandated reports are protected from legal retaliation Skills Practiced Information recall - access the knowledge you have gained about the person responsible for reporting a crime against any vulnerable individual Reading comprehension - ensure that you draw the most ...
Classifications strategies used by mandated reporters in judging incidents of child abuseCHILD abuseMULTIDIMENSIONAL scalingSubjective judgments, of the severity of examples of physical child abuse were investigated using a multidimensional scaling procedure. Comparisons of severity between all possible pairs of...