This Pinyin table includes all Mandarin Chinese syllables. Click on any pinyin sound in the chart, and listen to the audio in all four tones.
I have it. I've taught all levels of Mandarin Chinese. Examples of topics in my curriculum: Mandarin Alphabet - Learn the letters, practice with vocabulary for each letter Colors in Mandarin - learn the colors with images and say the colors of different nouns Food in Mandarin - names of ...
Then there is this insane Chinese tattoo. The craft is done well but the characters don’t mean anything: 临际南快联 (Lín jì nán kuài lián); ? What’s probably going on is the worst way to “translate” English into Chinese for tattoos. Using this alphabet chart, the tattoo spells...
The Chinese writing system is logographic, meaning that Chinese characters often represent words and ideas instead of sounds like letters in an alphabet. This means that to read Chinese characters, you will have to memorize them to some extent. Because of this, a lot of people are very intimid...
The sound chart in this guide has audio files of all 37 sounds along with their Pinyin spellings. Read More Why Mandarin Chinese is easier than you think By Olle Linge Pinyin Romanization Pinyin is a way to write Chinese using the Roman (Western) alphabet. It is the most common of many...
Chinese Pinyin uses 25 out of 26 letters of the alphabet. The letter Ü replaces V. You’ll notice that on the far right of the chart. The top yellow rows on the X-axis represent the categories of finals. The Simple Finals are your main categories, with the compound & nasal finals...
3 Basic Expressions in Chinese ①Number 1–99 with Chartnumbers 0–1 billionnumber’s unitCharacter 1-10 ②weeksmonthsyearsdatetimedaily schedulecolorGet Confidence ③polite expressionspronountop 20 verbseyes & mouth ④ask for directions & orientationgeography ...
Mandarin Chinese Pinyin Chart with Audio (Yabla) Back to index 4.4 More about Mandarin pronunciation If you want to read up on Mandarin pronunciation, phonetics and phonology, here are two books in English that I recommend: Lin, Y. H. (2007).The Sounds of Chinese with Audio CD(Vol. 1)...
In the “i” final section of the Pinyin chart (if you don’t know what a “final” is, check out our Pinyin Primer), there are 7 Chinese syllables that have an “i” final but don’t sound like the other “i” finals. Why? Well, the vowel sound is unique hence why some consi...
Similar to English, you should learn to hear the differences and work on learning how to pronounce Chinese sounds. SOUND CHART Here is a chart of the 37 sounds of Mandarin with a sound clip of each. Practice these as much as you can—they will provide the foundation learning how to prono...