申请链接: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/postgraduate-research/admissions/how-to-apply/ 封面来源:How to apply for postgraduate research at The University of Manchester 如需了解更多欧美PhD, Master等申请信息,可私信小窗或关注公众号xiaojinyuoffer,不定期跟新各类留学最新信息。 小金鱼留学工作室:法...
You can also find more general admissions contacts (undergraduate and postgraduate) on thestudy at Manchesterpages. read more When does my IT account , university email and library access end after graduation? 348 views|0Vote this question as useful.0Vote this question as not useful.| Last upd...
For further details contact Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences postgraduate admissions: pgt-earth-sci@manchester.ac.uk www.ees.manchester.ac.uk
We have another informative Admissions Director Q&A for you, this time with Chris Healy, the Head of MBA Marketing & Recruitment at Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS) at the University of Manchester. Chris has 15 years of experience in graduate management education and a passion for GME ...
Candidates who have completed a minimum of a three-year degree and obtained First Class Upper Second (2.1) classification or the overseas equivalent. (You will need a 60% bachelor's degree) from a reputable university to be considered for postgraduate st...
At the postgraduate level, The University of Manchester offers a range of popular LLM programmes, including programmes in International Business and Commercial Law, International Financial Services Regulations, Public International Law and Healthcare and Ethic...
If you have any queries regarding making an application please contact our admissions teamFBMH.doctoralacademy.admissions@manchester.ac.uk. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Equality, diversity and inclusion is fundamental to the success of The University of Manchester, and is at the heart of all of...
Platinum Education Services champions universal access to UK higher education. Regardless of your past qualifications or solely having work experience, we pave the way for your university education journey. Benefit from our expert guidance to kickstart foundation, undergraduate, and postgraduate degrees ...
For further details contact Department of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science postgraduate admissions:
The Manchester Alumni Scholarship Scheme offers a £3,000 fee reduction to Manchester alumni who achieved a first-class bachelor's degree within the last three years and are progressing to postgraduate study. For more information, please check the Fees and Fu...