1.进入曼彻斯特大学官网,选择你所要申请的专业https://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/masters/courses/ 输入你所要申请的专业,点击搜索 2. 找到你要申请的专业,点击进入专业信息页面 3. 首先看看项目概况,重点看Entry requirement Entry requirement部分重点看学术要求和语言要求 看看How to apply部分,个人陈述字数以及内...
Law LLM (1 year)www.manchester.ac.uk/study/masters/courses/list/08446/llm-law/ 平均分要求: For entry onto our master’s degrees, we require a minimum overall mark of 80% or CGPA of 3.0/4.0 in a Law degree with an average of 80% or higher in law units from a well-ranked inst...
曼彻斯特城市大学:Manchester Metropolitan University 萨尔福德大学:University of Salford 利兹大学:University of Leeds 利兹城市大学:Leeds Metropolitan University 谢菲尔德大学: University of Sheffield 谢菲尔德哈勒姆大学:Sheffield Hallam University 利物浦大学:University of Liverpool 利物浦约翰莫尔斯大学:Liverpool John Moo...
3.Master of Science (MSc) in Health Economics, Policy & Law Erasmus University Rotterdam Canada 4.Master of Science in Public Health (MScPH) McGill University - Faculty of Medicine U.S.A. 5.Master of Science in Public Health Yale University - Yale School of Public Health...
field of English language education abroad. The Master's program in literature at the university ...
Courses Applying to university Meet the teachers Living Accommodation Employability Master's Preparation INTO Manchester Prepare for direct entry to a range of Master's degrees at universities across the UK, with guaranteed entry to one of 30+ NCUK universities. This pathway prepares students for a ...
The University of Manchester Master's India Scholarship, 2024 is offered for Masters degree in the field of Selected courses offered by university . You can apply to this scholarship here. The deadline for the sending your application is 26 Apr, 2024. This scholarship is provided by University...
MSc International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Response (January Intake) at The University of Manchester, listed on FindAMasters.com - a comprehensive database of Masters, MSc, MA, MPhil & MRes courses in the UK & Ireland
Bachelor Master MBA PHD Manchester Metropolitan University provides undergraduate courses across five faculties: Arts and Humanities; Business and Law; Education; Health, Psychology and Social Care; and Science and Engineering. Our campus is located in the centre of Manchester, one... Read More Arts...
Bachelor Master PHD Part of the prestigious Russell Group of universities, The University of Manchester enjoys an international reputation for pioneering research and innovation. According to the 2025 QS Ranking of World Universities, Manchester is ranked 34th in the world and 6th in the UK. Now ...