MANCHESTER ART SHOW was the North’s largest art fair, and last took place in October 2005 at the stunning MICC-GMEX in central Manchester and brought together the work of hundreds of artists from across the UK and beyond. First time buyers and seasoned collectors came along and enjoyed the...
During that 1984/85 season, I set out to record every gate in the First Division – in the days before the internet, this involved buying papers after games, or sometimes glancing at papers in newsagents and memorising gates – as I was so obsessed with evaluating how our home and away ...
Manchester Evening News Arena2.4 mi Chetham's Library2.5 mi National Football Museum2.5 mi Manchester Cathedral2.6 mi Royal Exchange Theatre2.7 mi Manchester Art Gallery2.9 mi John Rylands Library3 mi People's History Museum3 mi Manchester Opera House3.1 mi ...
That is, unless you count the Manchester Art Crawl I attempted last year. Then of course there are bar crawls and Northern Quarter café crawls: Do you think they count? The idea of scavenger hunts has played on my mind for several months now. One of my Day Zero Project challenges is ... 180 Degrees Consulting Manchester A Cappella and Beatboxing ABSoc (Ahlulbayt society) VTOL
Manchester Art Gallery0.3 mi Chetham's Library0.3 mi People's History Museum0.4 mi Manchester Opera House0.4 mi Manchester Evening News Arena0.4 mi The Bridgewater Hall0.5 mi Museum of Science and Industry0.6 mi The Roman Fort0.6 mi Policies Check-in/Check-out Check in anytime after 3:00 PM...
Marketing Manchester is the agency charged with promoting Greater Manchester nationally and internationally as a place to visit, invest, meet, and study.
Thomas Isaac himself, who, to be fair, would be counted among the “old men,” notes, with approval, that while “democratic centralisation” is inappropriate at the level of state economic organisation, it does provide the guiding framework for running the CPI(M) apparatus. The BJP in ...
Leeds were unlucky not to get on the board following a number of promising opportunities, and will undoubtedly be looking for a different result when they fly across the country to face the Western Sydney Wanderers on their home turf on Saturday night....
Embodying today’s art music scene, Bo Ningen fuse disparate sounds and influences into a psychedelic fusion of fierce and eclectic grooves that aren’t for the faint hearted! Very much inspired by the grunge scene of the 90s, alongside bands including The Fall and Primal Scream, the Japanese...