Plans for the hotel which will be located off Enterprise Way on a three-acre plot at MIX MANCHESTER have now received planning permission from Manchester City Council. The application submitted included plans for a 154-bedroom property with sleek interiors, a destination bar and brasserie-style gri...
Two planning applications for 4,800-homes as part of Manchester's £4bn Victoria North regenerationproject were approved yesterday.Maccreanor Lavington secured outline planning permission for 3,250 homes in the new Red Bankneighbourhood north of the city centre.Designed for a joint venture between ...
Carlton Power has secured planning permission for the development of the 200MW Trafford Green Hydrogen scheme, the city’s first low-carbon hydrogen fuel hub. The £300m scheme, first announced in March 2021. is now the UK’s largest consented green hydrogen scheme, according to a statement....
The operators of Manchester Arena, ASM Global, have unveiled details of the vision for its transformative redevelopment of the iconic venue, while at the same time, over in Eastlands, planning permission for another HUGE arena space has been submitted to council bosses. As you’d expect, a fi...
Johnny Ronan secures planning permission from Dublin City Council for capital’s tallest building HSE to clamp down on staff travel and to send fewer letters as part of new savings drive Israeli soldiers flee Netherlands following accusations of Gaza war crimes Man arrested aft...
“Aberdeen City Council said the resurfacing on Windmill Brae was necessary because some of the stones had come loose. Concerns had been raised on safety grounds by local businesses.” The BBC piece continues: “However, the local authority said the work was below standard and the tar would be...
key interest here is the Manchester Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy (MGBIS) 2015–2025, the policy document for guiding GI planning in the city. The MGBIS and accompanying Implementation Plan outlines how stakeholders will work together to improve Manchester’s GI (Manchester City Council2015...
The Hawarth (or on some spellings Haworth) family were (Procter again): ‘The last important family residing in Long Millgate’, their name being given to ‘Haworths’ Gates, a narrow passage which was stopped up by order of the City Council in September 1868′. The Hawarth who was ...
Designed by Mecanoo. The University of Manchester’s Mecanoo-designed engineering campus has received planning permission from the Manchester City Council, greenlighting...
Experimental construction would not have been possible without funding through Manchester City Council, Manchester Metropolitan University, The University of Manchester and Red Rose Forest and without the land use permission of Academy High School, the Friends of Whitworth Park, Manchester Science Park, ...