Manchester by the Sea: Directed by Kenneth Lonergan. With Casey Affleck, Ivy O'Brien, Kyle Chandler, Richard Donelly. A depressed uncle is asked to take care of his teenage nephew after the boy's father dies.
The film "Manchester by the Sea" is an emotional masterpiece that deeply explores themes of life, love, and family. Through delicate emotional portrayal and unique narrative techniques, the movie tells a seemingly mundane...
Deadline Film + TV ‘The Brutalist’ Team Have Wrapped On Under-The-Radar Musical ‘Ann Lee’ Starring Amanda Seyfried, Thomasin McKenzie, Lewis Pullman, Christopher Abbott, Tim Blake Nelson & Stacy Martin 12/13/2024 by Andreas Wiseman ...
又名曼切斯特在海边 Manchester By The Sea 编剧 肯尼斯·罗纳根 主演 卡西·阿弗莱克米歇尔·威廉姆斯格瑞辰·摩尔凯尔·钱德勒卡拉·海沃德 剧情 主角李·钱德勒(卡西·阿弗莱克 饰)是一个沉默寡言的人,在波士顿无休无止的做着各种杂活。但这... 导赏 一个叔叔不得不照顾他的十几岁的侄子男孩的父亲死后。
Much praise has been heaped on ‘Manchester by the Sea’ since its Sundance debut one year ago, and it is indeed worthy of all that accolade. Like we said earlier, this isn’t a film built on big moments, but on the day-to-day, perhaps even insignificant, ones that speak to a bigg...
By Luke Parker Dec 23, 2019 Movies Manchester By the Sea’s Original Ending Revealed by Matt Damon Manchester by the Sea co-producer Matt Damon reveals details about the film's original ending that was much larger in scale than in the final cut. By Quinn Hough Oct 11, 2018 The Os...
Manchester by the Sea: Regia di Kenneth Lonergan. Con Casey Affleck, Ivy O'Brien, Kyle Chandler, Richard Donelly. Viene chiesto a uno zio depresso di prendersi cura di suo nipote adolescente dopo che il padre del ragazzo muore.
The title town in Kenneth Lonergan’s Manchester by the Sea is a Massachusetts coastal hamlet. White wooden houses; trees; an island-sprinkled stretch of boating sea. We could call that the Manchester sound. Or we could call almost everything in this haunting, strange, tragical-magical film ...
Lonergan balances unrecoverable anguish with tender warmth inManchester by the Sea, a film that considers a character unable to forgive himself and hesitant to engage with anyone ever again. Regardless of the living, breathing quality of the characters and their searing pain, the film always finds...
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) -- Feature film "Manchester by the Sea" took a leading of four nominations including one for its ensemble cast at the 23rd annual Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Awards nomination presentation on Wednesday morning in Los Angeles. Among other films vying for the award...