In Florida, at the northern limit of the manatees range, cold snaps and motorboats take their toll. In Belize, a developing nation that may harbor the largest population of the Antillean subspecies, scientists have yet to determine the nature and extent of human-related threats....
(T. manatus). The other subspecies lives in nearshore waters,lagoons,estuaries, andriversof easternMexico, down the Central American coast, and across northernSouth America. It also occurs around theGreater Antillesislands of theCaribbean—hence its common name, theAntillean manatee (T. manatus ...
Florida Fish and Wildlife is currently initiating a supplemental feeding trial in the northern area of the lagoon, where most of the deceased manatees have been found, to provide "some aid" to manatees. In December, several environmental groups, Earthjustice, the Center for Biological Diversity,...
Over 60 percent of the Sunshine State's iconic manatees have a surprisingly codependent relationship with power plants—and many of the beloved mammals could die if they shut down.
This West Indian manatee was photographed at Dallas World Aquarium in Texas. Manatees live in warm waters. In the summers, many will leave their southern homes to explore more northern channels and shorelines. Photograph by Joel Sartore, National Geographic Photo Ark ...
any of a genus (Trichechus of the family Trichechidae) of large, herbivorous, aquatic mammals that inhabit warm coastal and inland waters of the southeastern U.S., West Indies, northern South America, and West Africa and have a rounded body, a small head with a squarish snout, paddle-shap...
months, they can be found as far west as Texas and as far north as Massachusetts, but summer sightings in Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina are more common. West Indian manatees can also be found in the coastal and inland waterways of Central America and along the northern ...
Because of limited tolerance to cold, most Florida manatees survive cold winter periods by aggregating at warm-water discharges from power plants and natural springs in central and northern Florida. Many power plants used by manatees may soon be retired. When this occurs, some people assume manatee...
Reliability of photographic and molecular techniques for sexing northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus) Identifying the sex of living cetaceans can be difficult, even when species are sexually dimorphic. We compare two methods of molecular sexing (ZFY (zinc f... S Gowans, , M L Daleb...
Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your organization Section snippets Study area The northern limit of the study area was the mouth of the Parnaíba River Delta, around Canárias Island (02°44′S, 41°47′W), Piauí State. The southern ...