Soul's Harbor is a church reaching, serving, and loving their community and the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church 6719 Token Valley Rd. Manassas, Virginia ХристосРождається! СлавітеЙого! Christ is Born! Glorify Him! Liturgy Times Contact Information
Connect with the church community at Manassas Baptist Church, in Manassas, Virginia. Our mission is to encourage people to belong to the body of Christ, enable our members to thrive in His word, and equip our members to go and share their faith story. Belong. Thrive. Go. ...
简介 Connect with the church community at Manassas Baptist Church, in Manassas, Virginia. Our mission is to encourage people to belong to the body of Christ, enable our members to thrive in His word, and equip our members to go and share their faith story. Belong. Thrive. Go. ...