multi-signaturesequential muti-signaturebroadcasting multi-signatureAs a new technique to construct cryptosystem,bilinear pairing received more attention.Based on bilinear pairing technique,two new multi-signauture schemes are proposed.The new multi-signature schemes have shorter signature length and key ...
, and Quality of Education.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepemimpinan kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, implementasi manajemen berbasis sekolah dalam pencapaian program pendidikan, dan kendala yang dihadapi kepala sekolah dalam menerapkan manajemen berbasis sekolah. ...
Kontrol akses berbasis peran Azure Topologi jaringan yang didukung Migrasi dari lab fisik Virtualisasi berlapis Batas kapasitas Manajemen biaya untuk lab Kebijakan Azure untuk Layanan Lab Keandalan Skenario Panduan Pemecahan masalah & debug Referensi Sumber Unduh PDF Learn...
dan menganalisis: 1) Penerapan manajemen berbasis sekolah, 2) Kepala Sekolah peran dalam Implementasi manajemen berbasis sekolah, 3) Fungsi pokok dalam manajemen berbasis sekolah, 4 ) kendala dalam pelaksanaan manajemen Berbasis Sekolah. Je... W Waidah,S Sowiyah,I Suntoro - 《Jurnal Manajemen ...
It is therefore recommended that the school based management program continued with improvements in program implementation process. doi:10.24246/j.jk.2016.v3.i2.p178-191Rukayah RukayahBambang IsmantoKelola Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan
PERAN KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA SEKOLAH DALAM PELAKSANAAN MANAJEMEN BERBASIS SEKOLAH DI SD AL-WASHLIYAH 4 RT I KOTA MEDANdoi:10.59141/cerdika.v4i2.759SCHOOL-based managementSCHOOL environmentEDUCATIONAL qualitySCHOOL principalsSCHOOL administratorsSchool-Based Management (SBM) is a method ...
EVALUASI IMPLEMENTASI MANAJEMEN BERBASIS SEKOLAH (MBS)DI SMK TELEKOMUNIKASI TUNAS HARAPAN KABUPATEN SEMARANG (STUDI TENTANG PEMBELAJARAN PAKEM)p> This study aimed to evaluate the implementation of school based management in SD Negeri Genuk 01 District West Ungaran in terms of context, input, process...
Pengaruh kinerja kepala sekolah terhadap keberhasilan manajemen berbasis sekolah melalui partisipasi masyarakat di SMPSchool-based management (SBM) in Thailand began in 1997 in the course of a reform aimed at overcoming a profound crisis in the education system. The present contribution reports on the...
Model Sistem Informasi Manajemen Sekolah Berbasiskan Notasi Unified Modeling LanguageBasically the use of integrated information systems can be applied not only for the company, but also education industry, particularly schools. To support business processes at the school, this research would like to ...
PENGEMBANGAN MODEL MANAJEMEN PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS TIK DI SEKOLAH DASARp> The aim of this study is to develop model of ICT-based learning management. With this tools and model, school can be easily monitor and evaluate the educational process. This research done by Research and Development (R&D)...