Discusses how nurses can provide support to patients with sickle cell anemia. Background on complications; Assessment of patients; Background on medications used to manage the pain; Provision of hydration; Administration of oxygen; Administration of transfusions; Nursing care plan.Platt...
Nephropathy associated with sickle cell anemia: An autologous immune complex nephritis: I. Studies on nature of glomerular-bound antibody and antigen ident... The nature of the glomerular-bound antibody and the putative antigen was investigated in one of the patients with sickle cell disease and ...
“Chronic condition” is an umbrella term. Children with chronic illnesses may be ill or well at any given time, but they are always living with their conditions. Some examples of chronic conditions include, but are not limited to, asthma, diabetes, cerebral palsy, sickle cell anemia, cystic ...
Harnessing three-dimensional (3D) cell culture models for pulmonary infections: State of the art and future directions Disha D. Shah Neha R. Raghani Bhupendra G. Prajapati Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology(2023) Access this article ...
How is diabetic treatment monitored at home? The goal of diabetic therapy is to control blood glucose levels and prevent diabetic complications. Glucose levels are lowered into a normal range, if possible, but it is important not to reduce the levels to abnormally low levels that can cause symp...
Sickle cell anaemiaA broad spectrum of renal changes is observed in patients with sickle cell anemia, and ideal therapeutic measures for the management of these alterations are still being studied. Affected patients have deficient urinary concentration and potassium excretion. Perhaps owing to a ...
Managing a patient with Sickle cell anemia and Protein C deficiency on Cardiopulmonary bypassAntithrombotic effects of combining activated protein C and urokinase in nonhuman primates. penis, but they also multiply your girth considerably, free of any acknowledged facet effect. femaleviagra ci...
Is it a sickle cell vaso-occlusive crisis, or is it another entity entirely? If it is a youngster, whoever is caring for the child may not know whether he or she has sickle cell anemia (SCA). Even if it is an adult, the patient may not be aware that he or she has the di...
doi:10.12957/reuerj.2020.51594Ramos de Miranda, FrancineIvo, Maria LúciaFerraz Teston, ElenTrindade Lino, Iven GiovannaAparecida Mandetta, MyriamMarcheti, Maria AngélicaUERJ Nursing Journal / Revista Enfermagem UERJ
SICKLE cell anemiaTRANSCRANIAL Doppler ultrasonographyCEREBRAL infarctionHEMORRHAGIC strokeHEMATOPOIETIC stem cellsSTROKECEREBROVASCULAR diseaseBLOOD transfusion reactionThe importance of protecting brain function for people with sickle cell disease (SCD) cannot be overstated. SCD is associated with multiple ...