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A utility library of functions that makes it possible to interact with Amazon's FIONA system for administrating the titles on your Kindle. Not yet expanded to a full program, just some examples on how to use it. There's also a javascript implementation, that has some notes on the new 2017...
If reading longform on my laptop, I’ll either make notes via Skim, my fave PDF reader (for macs only sorry), or Kindle. As such, I’ll make notes via either Skim or Kindle (I prefer Skim). If I read a phrase, quote, or statistic that I KNOW I really want to retain, I’ll...
The subtitle of this book is “Office Not Required”. This is the book on remote work written by the Basecamp (formerly: 37 Signals) folks. Though the team had a Chicago office, they operate that office on “library rules”. (On my team at Parse.ly, we’d refer to this as, “off...
oidcmprec operation=merge scope=subtree \ base="'dc=com' 'cn=subschemasubentry'" \ source=myhost1.mycom.com:3060 \ destination=myhost2.mycom.com:3060 \ inclattr="*" exclattr="orclguid creatorsname modifiersname" \ file=merge genchglog=false If you include other DNs in addition to...