8. MEANS OF COMMUNICATION a) The quarterly results are published in widely circulating national and local newspapers such as The Economic Times, Business Standard, in English and Navbharat Times, in Hindi. b) The Company's results are displayed on the Company's website i.e. www.shivam...
The condition is more common in women, and particularly in those of childbearing age. Some women find that the symptoms for this condition ease during pregnancy, however for some they can worsen. It's important to control the condition during pregnancy since it can affect the devel...
He argues that it appears that India used Sovietaid as a way to leverage an increase in the amount of US aid, meaning that India’srelationshipwiththeUSSRwasgenerallyguidedbyitsrelationswiththeWest.See:pp.157–169.349V. Prashad,The Darker Nations: A People’s History of the Third World, ...
Fixed Deposits Your Company has not accepted/ invited any Deposits within the meaning of Section 58 A of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Rules made thereunder. Directors In accordance with Article 133 of the Articles of Association of the Company,Mr. M.L. Lohia and Mr. A.K. Ladha ...
The study involved educating villagers through an intensive program of capacity building, wherein the villagers who participated in the program were called Bhujal Jaankars (BJs) , a Hindi word meaning 'groundwater informed'. The BJs were trained in their local settings through relevant theory and...