Managing grief, loss during the holidaysBarry Rabin
Bowie counselor gives tips on managing grief during the holidays in wake of teenagers' slayings (Posted 2012-12-04 21:09:01) ; For the family, friends and neighbors of Markel Ross and Amber Stanley, Prince George's County teens killed earlier this year, this season may not be so jolly....
However, for many, it can also be a season oflonelinessand isolation, and triggers ofgriefand loss can also accompany some of those traditions and meaningful moments. If you are struggling during this season, here are a few tips that can help you cope. It is OK to...
with their lost loved one, and they returned to the location to replicate the image. The project aims to provide a platform, allowing others to acknowledge their loss, and to celebrate the person they love.Loved and Lost: Grief in the Time of Coronavirus – A Photo Essay« The Guardian ...
Grief and loss is a significant component in their lives, as is domestic violence, as is alcohol and substance abuse. So there’s a whole host of things that these students present with.” Similarly, a wellbeing manager reflected: “They’re so far away from home in such a completely ...