Brand management literature has lately started focusing on the management of intangible sources of brand performance. This transition has also become obvious from explicit to implicit brand management practices. Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) is one of the areas that are of high concern to ...
Conceptualizing,Measuring,and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity的译文,不好意思,不是这个题目的意思,而是这篇文章的翻译文章呢,
All aspects of the brand image are relevant in determining consumer response to advertising and promotion. Customer-based brand equity is enhanced by creating favorable response to pricing, distribution, advertising, and promotion activity for the brand. The brand name should be easy to comprehend, ...
managing customer-based brand equity品牌知识 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity Keller, Kevin Lane Journal of Marketing; Jan 1993; 57, 1; ABI/INFORM Global pg. 1 ...
Title:Conceptualizing,Measuring,ManagingCustomer-BasedBrandEquity. Authors:Keller,KevinLane 1 Source:JournalofMarketing;Jan93,Vol.57Issue1,p1,22p,1chart,1diagram DocumentType:Article SubjectTerms:*BRANDnameproducts *MARKETING *CONSUMERS'preferences *BRANDequity *BRANDimage AWARENESS Abstract:Theauthorpresentsa...
measuring [简明英汉词典][5meVEriN]vbl.测量 managing [简明英汉词典][5mAnidViN]adj.管理的, 节约的 customer [简明英汉词典][5kQstEmE]n.消费者 based [简明英汉词典][beIst]v.立基于, 基于..., 以...为基础, vbl.建立,装置 brand [简明英汉词典][brAnd], 牌子, 烙印 vt.打火印,...
Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity 热度: Reproducedwithpermissionofthecopyrightowner.Furtherreproductionprohibitedwithoutpermission. Conceptualizing,measuring,andmanagingcustomer-basedbrandequity Keller,KevinLane JournalofMarketing;Jan1993;57,1;ABI/INFORMGlobal ...
The author presents a conceptual model of brand equity from the perspective of the individual consumer. Customer-based brand equity is defined as the differential effect of brand knowledge on consumer response to the marketing of the brand. A brand is said to have positive (negative) customer-ba...
Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity,” in: Journal of Marketing, Vol. 57, 1-22 Core capabilities and core rigidities: A paradox in managing new product development : Strategic Management Journal , 13 , 111–125 ......
This paper aims to provide empirical evidence of a brand equity model and illustrates the application of the model on a Danish bank. Design/methodology/approach – The conceptual model is founded on a customer-based approach to brand equity. The model links customer-brand relationships to rational...