The implications of the findings are discussed within the context of diffusion and convergence of management practices and the role of drivers of globalization.doi:10.1080/09585190600965399Mamman, AminuAkuratiyagamage, Vathsala W.Rees, Christopher J....
Results further provide evidence that perceived leadership effectiveness on three of the five transformational leadership practices varied as a function of the self-perceptions of;/pgt;lt;pgt;lt;stronggt;Practical/managerial implications:lt;/stronggt; Managerial development practices should ...
期刊名称:《Journal of managerial psychology》 | 2006年第6期 关键词: organizational culture; transformational leadership; business performance; 34.Personality disorders in leaders Implications of the DSM IV-TR in assessing dysfunctional organizations 机译:领导者中的人格障碍DSM IV-TR对评估功能障碍组织的...
Therefore, the main objective of this paper is to investigate the differences in the perceived influence of brand-owned touchpoints on differing managerial and departmental levels and their implications on effective company resource alignment and goal fulfillment. We conclude that differences in perceived...
摘要原文 Individuals have the tendency to believe that they have complete information when making decisions. In many contexts this propensity allows for swift, efficient, and generally effective decision making. However, individuals cannot always see a representative picture of the world in which they ...
The results of the study indicated that male and female managers in both organizations demonstrated a similar communication style in their staff meetings. Moreover, they indicated a similar "masculine" perception of themselves as managers on the BSRI. Implications for organizational researchers and ...
Conclusion: Global Implications What are the global implications of the managerial response to Marxian philosophy? The first implication involves the United States and its current situation, and the second implication involves economic integration occurring via globalization. 70 © Centre for Promoting ...
Gender Bias in AI: Implications for Managerial Practices Artificial intelligence (AI) applications are widely employed nowadays in almost every industry impacting individuals and society. As many important decisions are now being automated by various AI applications, fairness is fast becoming ... A Nade...
13.The managerial implications and suggestions for practitioners are also offered in the conclusion section. 并于结论中就个案观察,提出管理上的涵义及实务界进行策略联盟操作之建议. 14.Managerial errors caused by unforeseeable events cannot be avoided. ...
The implications of managerial coaching for leadership theory. Human Resource Development International, 16, 251–266. Atwater, L. E., Wang, M., Smither, J. W., & Fleenor, J. W. (2009). Are cultural characteristics associated with the relationship between self and others' ratings of ...