return,which is a measure of the portfolio’s performance relative to the market portfolio. Jensen‘s Alpha与Treynor Ratio都是以beta值作为风险衡量的基准, Jenson's\alpha衡量的是组合实际收益率与其CAPM理论收益率之间的差值.\alpha>0 说明组合的业绩比市场业绩要好 ...
• Continuously work to improve the sales conversion ratio and cost down • Coach and lead the team • Establish employee training and development plan • Assure retention of talent and key employees • Create a pleasant and dynamic work atmosphere for your team ...
“What you want to do with every single employee every single day is expand the scope of their responsibilities until it breaks… and that’s the role they should stay in.” If you see people frequently going up to a person's desk, it's a sign that that person can help them. Promote...
The price-to-features ratio on the paid options is one of the best in this space. Free Forever (supports unlimited tasks and members) Unlimited: $7/month per user Business: $12/month per user Enterprise: Contact for pricing ClickUp AI: Add to any paid plan for $7 per member per month...
Net income per employee is seen as an ultimate measure of a company's efficiency; specifically, it shows how much net profit can be attributed on average to each individual on the payroll. For any single company, the net income per employee can provide a meaningful yardstick for monitoring m...
Moreover, the findings have noteworthy implications for trading procedures as investors aspire to attractive economic returns for their investments in corporations that pasture ICE and WCME issues. Additionally, these findings have important implications for employee job satisfaction and retention by ...
Employee Retention Strategies: Views Of Senior Black South African Managers June 12, 2024 The purpose of this study was to explore the views of senior black South African managers on the retention strategies used by a construction company in South Africa. Ten senior black South African managers wo...
albeit from a smaller base. Flows to actively managed ETFs accounted for 23% of all ETF net inflows compared to just 9% five years ago.13Given the investor appetite for low-cost funds, the low-expense ratio environment could be here to stay with active management ...
《StrategicManagement战略管理(第六版)》是1997年清华大学出版社出版的图书,作者是(美)大卫。内容介绍 内容提要 这是一部全面结合案例分析和案例练习来阐述战略管理的基本理论、培养学生战 略管理的基本技能和方法的教材。全书共分五部分十章。第一部分(共两章)阐述战 略管理的基本概念、理论和在实践中的运用和...