One finding that has been fairly consistent across studies is that MSWs often employ stigma management strategies in order to mitigate the potential emotional and social consequences of engaging in a stigmatized practice. The most commonly cited strategies (all of which have been found to be employed...
Chinese researchers hold different views on the legal characteristics of the quota system, but the majority identify the characteristics as quasi-property. Based on the biological nature of the resources and substance of the system, international and domestic quot...
In Azure API Management, a product contains one or more APIs, a usage quota, and the terms of use. After a product is published, developers can subscribe to the product and begin to use the product's APIs.In this tutorial, you learn how to: Create and publish a product Add an API ...
Why did I receive a request for a legal document? Occasionally, Microsoft needs legal documentation if the information that you provided is incomplete or not verifiable. Examples might include: A difference between the account name and company name. ...
Use Organization Management to centrally manage many tenancies, invite and create child tenancies, view and map subscriptions, and create and attach governance rules to tenancies in an organization. With Organization Management, you can add tenancies to an organization, and have those tenancies consume...
Since BMW Bank GmbH is a non-trading-book institution within the meaning of the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz), only the banking book is subject to interest rate risk. BMW Bank GmbH enters into loan and lease agreements on the assets side and finances these facilities on the ...
The Sámi people of the Teno River call themselves čáhcegátte olbmot in Northern Sámi, meaning people living by the shore, and they have fished in the region since time immemorial (Solbakk and Muladal 2007, 12, and 16–17). It is because of the wild Atlantic salmon that there are...
The standard against which RBM takes on meaning is the command-and-control chain, as portrayed in Weber’s model of the perfect bureaucracy [16]. In such a system, the organizational apex in principle should know and be responsible for everything that goes on at subordinate levels. The RBM...
Using the poststructural policy analysis approach by Bacchi and Goodwin (2016), I conduct a systematic analysis of the ambiguities and complexities in the meaning and implications of the ecosystem approach across Swedish national policies affecting fisheries– which includes the Strategy for Swedish fish...
In archival literature an archive is mostly seen as containing those records that have continuing value, so the scope and meaning of the term are limited. This does not mean that archives can only be found in an archival institution: it includes also those records that are still with the rec...