The aim of this study was to identify patient characteristics that predict cyst recurrence to enable these patients to undergo early surgery. Methods: A retrospective analysis of 123 patients with benign thyroid cysts that were suitable for conservative management was undertaken. Demographic, clinical, ...
with nodular thyroid disease was completed to determine the frequency of cystic nodules, significance of the color and volume of aspirated fluid, frequency and factors predictive of cyst resolution, and incidence of carcinoma in cystic nodules.Thyroid nodules were cystic in 70 (18%) of 389 ...
Methods:A review of patients with nodular thyroid disease was completed to determine the frequency of cystic nodules, significance of the color and volume of aspirated fluid, frequency and factors predictive of cyst resolution, and incidence of carcinoma in cystic nodules. Results:Thyroid nodules were...
Background: The management of cystic thyroid nodules has not been standardized with respect to an initial fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) cystic change result, which is defined as fluid aspiration and a smear with numerous macrophages but scant or no follicular cells. In the present study ...
Benignthyroid adenomaorthyroid cyst Toxic multi-nodular goitre Toxic refers to excessive productive of thyroid hormone which results in the clinical features of hyperthyroidism Non-toxic multi-nodular goitre Thyroglossal duct cyst* (not in the thyroid itself) ...
We present a case of a 48-year-old female patient of thyroglossal duct cyst carcinoma who had to be taken for total thyroidectomy and radio iodine ablation during treatment of the lesion. Careful treatment planning aids are necessary in the management of such lesions....
THE PREVALENCE OF THYROID NODULES in the general population has been estimated to be about 5%. Ultrasound and autopsy studies have estimated the prevalence to be as high as 50%, especially in the elderly. Most nodules are impalpable and benign. Only about 10% of nodules are clinically apparent...
From the perspective of embryology, the third or fourth branchial pouch sinuses both originate at the pyriform sinus [4,5,6] and partially pass through or terminate in the upper thyroid lobes [7,8,9]. As a result of incomplete obliteration, lesions can clinically present as cysts, sinuses,...
The diagnostic accuracy of fine-needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid nodules was assessed in 111 patients who underwent thyroidectomy and in three persons whose thyroid glands were examined at autopsy. The basis for not performing surgery in 107 patients studied during the same period is also discussed...
Figure 1 – A pilonidal cyst with its sinus tract Risk Factors Pilonidal sinus disease most commonly affects Caucasian males with coarse dark body hair. Classically, it is associated with those who sit for prolonged periods, such as lorry drivers or office workers. Other associated factors are in...