Widespreadpoverty,poorhealth,lowfarmproductivityanddegradednaturalresourcesare majorproblems in Ethiopia. Although Ethiopia has abundant water, lack of water in certain parts of the country and certain seasons limit crop-livestock production. Water development for agriculture is a priority, but poorly de...
NaturalResourcesManagement AndIncomeOpportunitySeries NortheastRegionalCenterforRuralDevelopmentWestVirginiaUniversity ThePennsylvaniaStateUniversityExtensionService UniversityPark,PA16802Morgantown,WV26506 R.D.No.771 WildPlantsforIncome Authors WilliamN.Graftonisanextensionwildlifespecialistand associateprofessorofforestryat...
Foundations of Natural Resources Policy and Management 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Natural resources issues are complex, often emotional, and almost always political. Efforts to improve natural resources management practices must take into account the scientific aspects of an issue plus these oth...
Richard L. Knight and Sarah F. Bates, Editors, Island Press, Washington, DC, 432 pages. ISBN: 1-55963-261-5 hc; 1-55963-262-3 pb. $47.40 hc; $27.00 pbdoi:10.1177/027046769701700413SageBulletin of Science Technology & Society
Since 1997, the Victorian Resources Online (VRO) website (http://www.dpi.vic.gov.au/vro) has been a key means for the dissemination of landscape-based natural resources information via the internet in Victoria, Australia. The website currently consists of approximately 11,000 web pages, inclu...
There is a large body of literature on voluntary cooperation on management of natural resources, but we have not found applications to wildlife resources in this regard. However, conditions for successful voluntary cooperation are restrictive, and governmental interventions with coercive power are often ...
In fact, according to a study, at least one-third of the drugs available in the market have their origins or were derived from different natural resources [49]. Therefore, natural derivatives continue to be extensively researched for their therapeutic potential in modern medicine. Using natural ...
Engel, S. (1990) Ecosystem responses to growth and control of submerged macrophytes: a literature review. Wisconsin Dept. Natural Resources, Madison, WI, Tech. Bull. No. 170. 20 pp. Google Scholar Fischer, Z. (1972a) The elements of energy balance in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellaVal...
Carbon offsets are widely promoted as a strategy to lower the cost of emission reductions, but recent findings suggest that offsets may not causally reduce emissions by the amount claimed. In a compliance market, offsets increase net emissions if they do
(1996) The Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Water Resources Research and Manegement, Dokuz Eylul University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, M. Sc. Thesis in Civil Engineering (Advisor: Prof. Dr. N. Harmancioglu). Google Scholar Ford, D.T. and Killen, J....