function. It produces the first of the egg coats, thechalazae. These are the whitish string-like structures on either side of the yolk that keep the embryo in proper position during development (University of Illinois Extension). Around the yolk,there are four distinct layers of albumen (Fig...
The cage versus the deep litter system for the management of layers in the humid tropics. Poultry Sci. 54: 1982-1989.Oluyemi, J.A and Y.O. Roberts. 1975. The cage versus the deep litter system for the management of layers in the humid tropics. Poult. Sci. 54(6): 1982-1989 (Anim...
We provide AI and IoT solutions for poultry producers. From poultry flock management to house monitoring all the way to production planning and forecasting.
Guest Speaker:ProfessorYuNamin, from the College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A&F Universtity Maincontents:Introduction tothe growth characteristics and patterns of broilers and layers, setting production goals, analysi...
Switch from Excel to PoultryPlan for seamless, real-time poultry management. Optimize operations, reduce costs, and boost productivity with our user-friendly software. Meet our client: InterOvo Egg Group Interovo Egg Group, a leading European egg producer, relies on PoultryPlan's OptiLayers. Wim...
The management of the deep litter in a poultry house is of the greatest importance and seems to be one of the most neglected aspects of poultry husbandry in Nigeria. It is frightening to see broilers, layers and breeders maintained throughout the winter months on accumulation of their own ...
The highest prevalence rates were recorded in the rainy season (12.7%), among birds managed in deep litter (26.69%), birds 1-5 weeks old (18.75%), layers (22.29%) and Harco strain (26.42%). Sixty percent of the farms consulted veterinarians for diagnosis and treatment especially at first...
In addition, broiler producers operating in the risk zone must vaccinate their birds against ILT (this vaccination is standard for layers and the disease doesn’t affect turkeys). EQCMA has clarified the type of vaccination and updated the associated protocols, which it then disseminated to all ...
With an N output as manure of 2.3 g per bird per day and a N content of 5.84%, (BC Ministry of Agriculture 1997), poultry layers in Abbotsford excrete 1238 tonnes of N in 42,406 tonnes of manure, assuming an average moisture content of 50%. Where can all this manure go? As we ...
Contrary to the traditional view that layer flocks housed in conventional cages are unlikely to suffer coccidiosis caused by Eimeria species, this enteric disease has become an emergent issue. Coccidiosis outbreaks in layers are frequently associated with the failure to develop protective immunity at a...