Not every article in a journal is considered primary research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research (research articles, conference papers and reviews) in three year windows vs. those documents other than research articles, reviews...
Hence the emergence of information as a first-class enterprise resource. Treating information in this respect parallels the evolution of other enterprise resources; a small company may not need a dedicated human resources orsupply chainsystem, but as the firm grows, the pressures for increasing profe...
The scope of the study delimits the area with measuring the Management information system research productivity from the period 1995 -2009.The study includes a total of 596 papers from MISQ journal.The present study has been undertaken with the following objectives. 1. To find the chronological ...
Big data and data management white papers: DBTA maintains this library of recent whitepapers on big data, business intelligence, and a wide-ranging number of other data management topics.
More White Papers Popular Rocket Software Introduces Updates to the U2 System Builder Extensible Architecture (SB/XA) 6.6.2 Cube’s Microsoft Power BI and Excel Integrations Adapts to Data and Analytics Teams’ Tech Stacks Zilliz Cloud BYOC Delivers Powerful Vector Search Paired with Full Data Sover...
The latest articles, interviews, blogs and white papers focusing on information security, risk management, technology and compliance issues from InfoRiskToday
In general, the number of papers presents a scattered distribution over the past two decades. Dispersed papers reflect the lack of communication between different misalignment researchers and research communities. In addition, there is a great lack of articles on the measurement of business-IT misalign...
–Bernard C.Y. Tan, Associate Provost, National University of Singapore, Past President, Association for Information Systems The world's economy is rapidly growing with trade between nations and regions. Organizations are moving from domestic to multinational and global. No other publication has for ...
science and art of managing the use of information technology in organizations for providing value to stakeholders. The journal welcomes conceptual and original research papers describing mature works on Managerial Approaches in Information Technology, Enterprise-Oriented Solutions, and Information System ...
Ever-increasing attacks against individual and corporate finances over the past few decades prompt swift action from the realm of financial management. Advances in p... Advanced Methodologies and Technologies in Business Operations and Management Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, D.B.A. (Information Resources Ma...