软件项目管理(Software Project Management) 软件项目管理的概述 所谓软件项目管理就是为了使软件项目能够按照预定的成本、进度、质量顺利完成,而对人员(People)、产品(Product)、过程(Process)和项目(Project)进行分析和管理的活动。软件项目管理先于任何技术活动之前开始,并且贯穿于软件的整个生命周期。 软件项目管理的根本...
软件项目管理 SoftwareProjectManagement 饶国政 邮箱:guozhengrao@tju.edu.cn电话:13612059239QQ:247165724 参考资料 BobHughes,MikeCotterell著,廖彬山等译,软件项目管理,机械工业出版社,2007.4FrederickBrooks,人月神话DennisM.Ahern等著,王辉青等译,CMMI精粹,清华大学出版社,2009.4 课程...
When you manage teams, projects and portfolios in one software, it’s easy to align everyone to the same goals. Integrate with over1,000business & project management apps See all integrations Google Add Google links to tasks for easy collaboration. Plus, sync to Google Drive & Google Calendars...
Software Project Management presents a new management framework uniquely suited to the complexities of modern software development. Walker Royce's pragmatic perspective exposes the shortcomings of many well-accepted management priorities and equips software professionals with state-of-the-art knowledge derived...
There’s an even more significant implication for software project management here. Software measurement is not just a tool—it’s a commitment. Measures aren’t tossed away at the end of the project with all the network diagrams and resource graphs that have cluttered up your desk for several...
Project managers, development and test managers, and team leads in situations like these have to find a way around the crisis of the hour. They need software measurement data that they can use in the day-to-day decisions, not in the next quarterly business review. They need to measure ...
(SoftwareProjectManagement)WelcometoSoftwareEngineeringLecture8 ZhangJiannan 目标 了解软件项目的基本概念及管理者的主要任务;了解软件项目管理的特征及其和其他工程项目 管理之间的区别;熟悉项目策划的概念及任务过程;了解软件成本的基本知识和基本的估算方法;掌握应用图形工具制作项目进度表的方法;目标 了解软件质量的...
Microsoft Project and Microsoft Teams, the power of two Use Project and Teams to empower collaboration and management of projects, including file sharing, chats, meetings, and more. Work hand in hand without being side by side Collaborate on projects even when you’re on different continents. En...
Software Project Management上QQ阅读APP,阅读体验更流畅 领看书特权 About the Author Robert Bruce Kelsey, Ph.D., is well recognized for his expertise in software engineering and project management. He has authored two dozen papers on software metrics, process improvement, and quality assurance. He is...
软件项目管理(Software Project Management) if (window.showTocToggle) { var tocShowText = "显示"; var tocHideText = "隐藏"; showTocToggle(); } 软件项目管理的概述 所谓软件项目管理就是为了使软件项目能够按照预定的成本、进度、质量顺利完成,而对人员(People)、产品(Product)、过程(Process)和项目...