Augean Management Development Programme - Online Leadership Forum We understand that you have been unable to attend a face to face Leadership Forum event, so we wanted to provide you with another opportunity to have your say. Please complete the form below with your input to help us shape the...
online management training fully blended solution AManagement Development Programme (MDP)is a series of modules and activities that are designed and delivered over a longer period of time than your normal in-house training course. We have runseveral award winning programmesand we have the flexibility...
Remote - 6 monthsBlended - 6 monthsOnline - 6 months ENROL NOW Price from: R28 300INCL VAT Interested? Enquire now: Courses Comprehensive Management Programmes Introduction This programme strengthens middle managers’ management and leadership competencies. They are equipped with cutting-edge management ...
The Fertiliser Association of India-Southern Region (FAI-SR) organized a Management Development Programme on Need for Reforms in Fertilizer Policy during October 10-13, 2018 at Tuticorin in Tamil Nadu State. Fifty-one participants nominated by fourteen member companies attended. Mr. S.R. ...
"The Management Development Programme (MDP) was very enlightening, so much that I went on to register for my MBA to take the concepts even further." - Walter Lumadi "Go for it! The programme is so incredibly valuable! There’s so much that I learned from it that I have integrated into...
Report on the Development of Project Management Study Programme at the University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprei (Croatia) PM World JournalBarilovi, ZlatkoVreko, IgorKreli, Petra
Management Development Institute (MDI) Post Graduate Programme in Human Resource Management REQUEST INFO Basic information Director's message All about this master Exclusive Counsel Website : ...
An Integrated Programme in Management or IPM is one of the popular management program among the students after 12th grade. The programs is considered equivalent to an MBA degree and offered by handful of IIM’s and some top b-schools in the country. ...
With our support and encouragement, online distance learning is not an isolating experience. Our business management and leadership courses online are challenging, stimulating, rewarding and highly effective, giving you the chance to learn at a time and place that suits you. This is of particular ...
Online bootcamps An intensive 2 hour per day for 5 days course to get leaders fit, fresh and confident for the challenges ahead. Promote purpose-driven, high-performing teams; manage uncertainty and create collaborative working practices; engage individuals with confident conversations to manage perfor...