HTTP/1.1200OK {"@odata.context":"https://<baseurl>/data/$metadata#Edm.String","value":"<errorkeysfileurl>"} Input parameters ParameterDescription string executionIdThe execution ID of the import. This is called as Job ID in the UI. ...
SSO URL-用于登录到 SAML 身份提供程序服务器的 URL。 注销URL-用于注销 SAML 身份提供程序服务器的 URL。 基本URL (Base URL) - 在身份提供程序身份验证完成后,将用户重定向回 威胁防御 的URL。这是为 威胁防御 远程访问 VPN 配置的访问接口的 URL。 身份提供程序...
Learn more about the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.DatabaseMaintenance.DbMaintenanceBackupTask.UrlPrefix in the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.DatabaseMaintenance namespace.
Referencing a backend resource allows you to manage the backend service base URL and other settings in a single place. Also implement load balancing of traffic across a pool of backend services and circuit breaker rules to protect the backend from too many requests. Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Set ...
주: 기본 라우터 경로에 대한 추가 지원은 원하는 경로 앞에 base_url를 추가하여 Preact Router에서 여기에서 수정할 수 있습니다. base_url의 경우 Preact Router route() 메소드를 대체하기 위한 ...
当系统订阅到产品时,系统会提供相关的内容仓库(在授权证书中标识)以供系统使用。内容仓库是基于产品和内容交付网络,它门在 rhsm.conf 文件的 baseurl 参数中定义。 列出系统的所有可用软件仓库,包括禁用的软件仓库: Raw # yum repolist all repo id repo name status ...
You do not have to purchase a separate license to use the cloud-delivered Firewall Management Center in Security Cloud Control; the base subscription for a Security Cloud Control tenant includes the cost for the cloud-deliver...
cdGreaterWMS/ docker-compose up -d#Change Baseurl#baseurl GreaterWMS/templates/public/statics/baseurl.txtdocker-compose restart Windows X64 Centos 7 Ubuntu 20 🛠️ How To Run Development Server: Run Backend: cdGreaterWMS daphne -p 8008 greaterwms.asgi:application or daphne -b -p...
授權URL: 範圍 展開資料表 名稱Description user_impersonation 模擬您的用戶帳戶 範例 Create deployment at management group scope. 範例要求 HTTP Go JavaScript HTTP 複製 PUT