安裝Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 之後,Microsoft Outlook 使用者可能無法變更其列為經理的群組成員資格。 當他們嘗試這樣做時,會收到下列錯誤訊息: 無法儲存通訊組清單成員資格的變更。 您沒有足夠的權限可在此物件上執行此作業。 原因和解決方式 此行為有多個原因。 原因1 此行為在 Exchange Server 2010、Exchan...
Mail users are similar to mail contacts. Both have external email addresses and both contain information about people outside your Exchange or Exchange Online organization that can be displayed in the shared address book and other address lists. However,
Note: email categories (this tutorial) are completely different from contact categories, which let you create distribution lists to easily send mass messages to groups of people as a single recipient.What's the difference between a category and an email folder? When you move a message to a fol...
Tip You can use the State/Province box to create recipient conditions for dynamic distribution groups, email address policies, or address lists.Email AddressUse the Email Address section to view or change the email addresses associated with the room mailbox. This includes the mailbox's primary ...
By default, discovery mailboxes are hidden from address lists. By default, the mailbox auto-mapping feature uses Autodiscover to automatically open the mailbox in the delegate's Outlook profile (in addition to their own mailbox). Auto-mapping will only work for individual users granted the ...
Tip You can use the State/Province box to create recipient conditions for dynamic distribution groups, email address policies, or address lists.Email AddressUse the Email Address section to view or change the email addresses associated with the room mailbox. This includes the mailbox's primary ...
在Exchange Online PowerShell 中,執行下列命令並確認收件者已列出: PowerShell 複製 Get-Recipient -ResultSize unlimited -Filter 'HiddenFromAddressListsEnabled -eq $true' 在Outlook 或 Outlook 網頁版 (中開啟 GAL,先前稱為 Outlook Web App) ,並確認收件者不可見。更多...
Tick Include Distribution Lists (if you want these), then select Export Follow the instructions to save the contacts to a folder of your choice Check the folder for your saved CSV file and follow the in-app help prompts to transfer your address book to another type of email, like Outlo...
Your Memberships page in your profile contains a list of sites and distribution lists you belong to. Depending on how your My Site is set up, you can apply the privacy category to each membership. Your colleagues typically include members of your team, as well as other people whose activities...
Your Memberships page in your profile contains a list of sites and distribution lists you belong to. Depending on how your My Site is set up, you can apply the privacy category to each membership. Your colleagues typically include members of your team, as wel...