Become a mediator between partiesthat provide conflicting requests. Protect the stakeholder from politics and clarify expectations and priorities. So, now you understand the reason for disengagement of a person. Though I would exercise extreme caution here. You may assume the wrong root cause of the...
This essay has illustrated how the divergent policy priorities of the central government and local authorities shaped the ways the guestworker program was regulated on the ground. An important question that remains unexplored is what this means for the guestworkers. Since most of my interview partici...
Managing a sales team is no easy task. You have the potential to either make or break your sales reps. And there’s tons of conflicting information out there. Effective sales managers recruit top sales leaders, provide them with the tools they need to br
This essay has illustrated how the divergent policy priorities of the central government and local authorities shaped the ways the guestworker program was regulated on the ground. An important question that remains unexplored is what this means for the guestworkers. Since most of my interview partici...