9 The building was shaking like in an earthquake, like an amusement park thrill ride gone berserk „ (Para 3) The word berserk was originally about ancient Viking warriors who worshipped a bear god (ber). They would go into a terrible rage or madness when fighting. It now means ...
It's the boss of your own life, how to manage or has the final say. 18、不积小流无以成江海,不积跬步无以至千里。 If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't make a river or sea. If you don't accumulate small streams, you can't make a river or a sea. 19、好时光总是...
He has too much good sense to be affronted at insults, he is too well employed to remember injuries, and too engaged to bear malice. He is patient,tolerant, and resigned, on philosophical principles; he submits to pain,because it is inevitable,to the death of family members, because it ...
The Altamira and other animal-drawings made by Palaeolithic man, whether regarded as disinterested efforts at pure art or as magical symbols intended to ensure success in the chase, are sufficient evidence of the extent to which the cave bear, the bison,...
Indeed, there is another crime, ‘assault by penetration’ (Section 2, Sexual Offences Act 2003), which carries the same maximum sentence as rape life imprisonment—but includes forcible penetration by other body parts or objects. As this is a separate crime to ‘sexual assault,’ which carries...
it has taken several centuries to remove perdition from the Protestant Church's program of postmortem entertainments; it has taken a weary long time to persuade American Presbyterians to give up infant damnation and try to bear it the best they can; and it looks as if their Scotch brethren ...
“I believe that the most important aspect of gay relationships is sex. Everything starts there, and then everything else follows. Instead of beginning with proper communication, shared interests, our potential partner’s personality, or their way of thinking, the main objective is to have ...
Yours won’t have my magic in them, but they will bear my official signature, which is magical, by the way. Very magical.” “I took my sharpie…magical sharpie….and I drew a line showing Hurricane Dorian curving away from Florida, away from this beautiful spot where you are now all...
The Portuguese man-of-war captures its prey by using its tentacles, or dactylozooids, which bearnematocysts,venom-filled stinging structures that paralyze smallfishes,plankton,crustaceans, and other prey. Nematocysts come in two sizes: 11 and 24 nanometres (one nanometre is equal to one-billionth...
Article History superhero, a fictionalhero—widely popularized incomic booksandcomic strips,televisionandfilm, and popularcultureandvideo games—whose extraordinary or “superhuman” powers are often displayed in the fight against crime and assorted villains, who in turn often display superhuman abilities ...