Man on the Moon: Directed by Milos Forman. With Jim Carrey, Gerry Becker, Greyson Erik Pendry, Brittany Colonna. The life and career of legendary comedian Andy Kaufman.
Interviews with the cast from the film Man on the Moon (1999) educate us a bit on the making of the film and also information about Andy Kaufman is mentionned. Though this is yet another Universal promotion, it is still enjoyable to watch. ...
又名月亮上的男人 月亮上的男人(台) 娱人先生(港) Man o... 编剧 斯科特·亚历山大拉里·卡拉斯泽基 主演 金·凯瑞里·贝克尔Greyson Erik PendryBrittany Colonna莱斯利·莱尔 剧情 作为演员,安迪.考夫曼是成功的,他主持的《周末直播》(saturdaynightlive)节......
演职人员12 金·凯瑞 Jim Carrey... 饰Hims... 丹尼·德... Danny DeVi... 饰Hims... 米洛斯·... Milos Form... 饰Hims... 保罗·吉... Paul Giama... 饰Hims... 科特妮·... Courtney L... 饰Hers... Lynne El... 饰Hers... ...
The Last Man on the Moon: Directed by Mark Craig. With Eugene Cernan, Fred 'Baldy' Baldwin, Alan Bean, Barbara Butler. When Apollo astronaut Gene Cernan stepped off the moon in December 1972 he left his footprints and his daughter's initials in the lunar
Man on the Moon《月亮上的男人(1999)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,大家好 Hello. 我是安迪… I am Andy... 谢谢大家来观看我的电影 and I would like to thank you for coming to my movie. 我本来希望它精彩一点 I wish it was better, you know, 但… 它是如此的乏味 but
新增资料 | 资料纠错 | Man on the Moon(1989) 美国 | 纪录 暂未上映 不能评分 看过 0 片名Man on the Moon 导演Robert Nor... 又名Man on the Moon 主演Dan Rather 演职人员(4) Robert Northshield 导演 Dan Rather 演员 饰Presenter
Just as critics occasionally feel obliged to preface a review with a declaration of interest, so I must preface this review of Milos Forman's Man on the Moon, a biopic of the cult comic Andy Kaufman, by declaring a lack of interest. If there's one current cultural phenomenon which leaves...
You’re not astand-up, and you don’t translate to film. A "stand-up comic" is one who tells jokes and stories live on stage. This is George’s way of saying his act has no potential for the movies. Carnegie Hall. A famous, large and prestigious (honored) theatre in New York Ci...