随手下载看了电影 man on the moon 《月亮上的男人》。看完才知道这是个纪录片喜剧电影,主人公 Andy Kaufman 安迪.卡夫曼是美国充满传奇色彩的一个喜剧大师。男主角是金凯瑞,jim carrey,1998年《楚门的世界》里少年感爆棚的楚门,时隔一年到1999年就演出了一个中年怪异老大叔的感觉,也真是很厉害了。获奖了金球奖...
ISBN: 包装: 页数: 定价: 83.00 当当价: 48.10折扣: 5.80折 节省: 34.90购买送积分:623顾客评分: 0星 3条评论 | 高清图 返回该书首页 | 购买正版 登录 | 注册 | 购物车 | 首页 帮助 | 客服 | 提建议 | 回顶部Copyright 2014 m.dangdang.com...
‘The book on the table’, ‘The man in the moon’: Post-modification of nouns by preposition + noun in english and Castilianhologramdichromated gelatinred-sensitive holographic recording materialphotosensitivityNot Availabledoi:10.1080/1475382062000346045...
The Bumper Book of Bob The Man on the Moon (机器翻译:鲍勃大冒险月亮上的人) 作者:Simon Bartram 出版社:Templar Publishing ISBN(13位):9781848770546 语种:英语 开本:12 页数:64 市场价:¥ 179.5 装帧成色申东价活动价库存 精装 九成新¥ 53.85¥ 47.390有货通知...
Buzz Aldrin was the second man to walk on the moon. (Image credit: NASA via Getty Images) The main objective of the Apollo 11 mission, laid out by President John F. Kennedy on May 25, 1961, was to perform a crewed lunar landing and return to Earth. Secondary objectives included scienti...
In this classic story by one of the world's best-loved and acclaimed storytellers for children, the man in the moon looks down on the happy, dancing people on Earth every night, wishing he could join them. He hitches a ride on a passing ...See more Read more: Plot summary ...
gogobook / bento goldmark / bento gottaBoy / bento grahammather / bento grdryn / bento GreatGreatGreg / bento gridl / bento grtjn / bento gswallow / bento gt-28 / bento gtmanfred / bento GuillaumeSeren / bento gurudave / bento
It does not weigh as the earth. If you went to the moon you could weigh only one sixth that you do now. Even a fat man would be able to jump off the ground. (1) On some nights it seems there is ___ in the moon. [ ] A. an old man reading a book B. a child eating a...
Chaikin. "So, when I got into 'Voices from the Moon' and I wanted to make use of the best mission photography that I could get my hands on, one of the prime things I wanted to put in the book was a high definition scan of [that scene] with Neil Armstrong standing on the Moon....
Today we mourn the loss of a true hero and icon of a generation, if not an entire century:Neil Alden Armstrong, former NASA astronaut and first person to set foot on the Moon, has passed away due to complications from cardiovascular surgery. Armstrong had recently turned 82 years old on ...