For it’s flaws in inferring more than actually explaining and developing (the PTSD of buddy David comes up in a weird wedding scene, and is forgotten soon after),Man on Fireis briskly paced, with a final act that’s just about the hunt for scumbags and saving a girl – pure B-movie...
DVD REVIEWS: FIRED UP; MAN ON FIRE (18, VHS Pounds 14.99/DVD Pounds 15.99) HHHHHByline: JESSICA MELLORThe Mirror (London, England)
Elie Chouaqui’sMan on Fire(1987) was the first film version of A.J. Quinnell’s same-titled novel, which Tony Scott later turned into a nastier revenge flick in 2004 with Denzel Washington. Chouraqui’s rendering of a former war vet hunting down the kidnappers of a teen is less grungy...
Batman (Peter Weller) rides in on his high horse rallying the "Sons of Batman" in this new clip from DC's animated film Batman: The Dark Knight Reuturns Part 2. It's always nice seeing Batman riding a horse.The film is set to be released on DVD and Blu-Ray January 29th. I though...
A Good Man Goes to War was released in Series 6 Part One on DVD and Blu-Ray in region 1/A on 19 July 2011, in region 2/B on 11 July 2011 and in region 4/B on 4 August 2011. It is a collection of the first seven episodes. The episode was later released in the Complete ...
The Running Man (1987) is a cult classic film with Arnold Schwarzenegger based on Stephen King's Novel the most underrated film and one of my all time favorite films, I love this film to death. The stalkers in the game show: Pofessor Subzero, Buzzsaw, Captain Freedom, Fireball and Dyna...
Meet and Greet with Fans at Sarge & Red’s Toys and Collectibles onSeptember 8th Utica, MI, September 2024 – Mark Pillow, the actor known for his role as Nuclear Man in 1987’sSuperman IV: The Quest for Peace, will be making a special appearance at Sarge & Red’s Toys and Collectib...
Director: Wong Jing Cast: Ti Lung, Chan Wai Man, Candice Yu On On, Nat Chan Pak Cheung, Lo Lieh, Ngaai Fei, Philip Ko Fei, Wong Yu, Johnny Wang, Yuen Wah, Lee Hoi San, Aai Dung Gwa, Cheng Miu, Cheung Gwok Wa, To Wai Wo Running Time: 90 min. By Matthew Le-feuvre Known fo...
Masculinity, Beauty, Strength, Elegance, Sexuality, Philosophy in Gay Arts : Painting, Photography, Sculpture, Music, Theatre & Cinematography
Starman: Created by Mike Gray, John Mason. With Robert Hays, Christopher Daniel Barnes, Michael Cavanaugh, Patrick Culliton. An alien returns to Earth years after an earlier visit to reunite with his Earth son and together, they search for the alien's hu