在Gamescoms 2018上,《直到黎明》开发商Supermassive公布了一款全新的恐怖游戏《Man of Medan》,《Medan of Man》中的四名年轻的美国人开始了探索之旅,他们希望找到传说中的幽灵船“棉兰号”,然而随着时间的推移,风暴即将来临,他们的行程变得更加险恶,各自的生命也面临着不同寻常的危险。
《黑相集:棉兰号》中的四名年轻的美国人开始了探索之旅,他们希望找到传说中的幽灵船“棉兰号”,然而随着时间的推移,风暴即将来临,他们的行程变得更加险恶,各自的生命也面临着不同寻常的危险。 中文设置 SETTINGS-AUDIO AND LANGUAGE-TEXT-LANGUAGE-简体中文-BACK ...
With the evolution of online gaming platforms, PC The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan SaveGame Save Game file downloads have surged in popularity. Players frequently click on the PC The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan SaveGame Save Game download file button to access pre-set game progresses, backup...
※このゲームのPS4™版のみをすでにお持ち場合は、PS5™ダウンロード版を特別価格でダウンロードすることができます。 PlayStation®4版のディスク版をお持ちの方が本商品を購入およびプレイするためには、 『THE DARK PICTURES MAN OF MEDAN』PlayStation®4版のデ
The Dark Pictures Anthology : Man of Medan is the new survival horror game from Supermassive Games, after Until Dawn in 2015. You are controlling five different characters in a third-person view. At some points, you are asked to make decisions that could be crucial and change the fate of ...
《黑相集:棉兰号(Man of Medan)》是一款恐怖类的解谜大作,4名年轻的美国人踏上了一个潜水之旅,目的是为了寻找传说中二战时代携带珍宝船只的残骸。随着故事的展开,他们在途中遇到了风暴,很快他们的旅程变得异常凶险,谁将活下来,又有谁会死去? 游戏背景 人类从古至今,不曾停止痴迷于秘法,不断去发掘现世中难以触及...
The Dark Pictures Anthology : Man of Medan is the new survival horror game from Supermassive Games, after Until Dawn in 2015. You are controlling five different characters in a third-person view. At some points, you are asked to make decisions that could be crucial and change the fate of ...
Multiplayer is Man of Medan's big addition to the formula laid out by Until Dawn. There are two forms of co-op: Shared Story, in which two players tackle the game together online, and Movie Night, where up to five players can play together offline, playing through the chapters of ...
首页 游戏 H类 正文 56941 chboy 2个月前更新 关注私信 游戏官网 黑相集:棉兰号 A/单机.同屏多人 - The Dark Pictures Anthology:Man of Medan Build20201030版|容量63GB|官方简体中文.部分国语发音|支持键盘.鼠标.手柄|2021年09月28号更新 19积分 ...
Man of Medan, the first instalment in the The Dark Pictures Anthology from Supermassive Games, officially has a sort-of release date. Supermassive Games confirmedon Twitterthat the game is set to come out in summer 2019. #ManofMedanwill be released this summer! Check out our latest dev diary...