Official Mammut® Online Shop | Get ready for your next mountain adventure with Mammut®. Shop our outdoor clothing, shoes, equipment, and avalanche gear. Athlete-tested Swiss design since 1862.
Official Mammut® Online Shop | Get ready for your next mountain adventure with Mammut®. Shop our outdoor clothing, shoes, equipment, and avalanche gear. Athlete-tested Swiss design since 1862.
©2023 MAMMUT-Tech沪ICP备15051104-1号
High-performance clothing and equipment for demanding conditions: safety, functionality and dynamism are the key requirements. MAMMUT's new mountaineering collection offers a complete selection for your mountain tours.
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MAMMUT猛犸象 2024-11-28 17:01 来自微博视频号 为应对全球气候变化带来的挑战,MAMMUT猛犸象联合Klimate、ARC、Bofort、Carbonaide开启全新气候挑战计划 —— 二氧化碳捕获&封存。通过创新碳移除、储存工艺,在碳清除方面取得了切实的成果。 MAMMUT猛犸象承诺,在2026年前实现90吨二氧化碳脱碳。 此项目倡导者——MAMMUT...
Discover the Ultimate in Outdoor Comfort with Mammut Outdoor Clothing: Jackets and Vests, Tops, Pants and Shorts, Accessories for Men and Women. Elevate your experiences with Mammut's versatile and high-performance outdoor clothing. Designed with comfort, style, and functionality in mind, our ...
MAMMUT猛犸象 2月17日 17:00 来自微博网页版 Ducan Guide,全天候高性能理想防护硬壳 3层 Mammut DRY Tour面料,全天候提供高水平的防水性和透汽性,专为多日徒步防护设计。耐磨、防撕裂,多维保护,抵御风雨。采用可修复细节设计,延长产品使用周期,且更加耐用,具备易修复性。延续群山探索使命,为自然永续。MAMMUT刺...
MAMMUT有着难以割舍的登山情节,对大山充满了热情。默默奉献的员工、专业运动员以及登山向导的密切合作,为客户提供更好的产品。因而,MAMMUT代表了高标准的安全级别,是当今拥有户外领域全系列产品的装备品牌商之一。 在产品生产中,质量和功能是MAMMUT的第一要素。所有的MAMMUT产品以瑞士品质著称。代表着过硬的安全性能及可靠...