Case histories are given for 5 women along with illustrations of histologic findings.doi:10.1002/1097-0142(197112)28:63.0.CO;2-AMartin JEGallager HSMartin JE, Gallager HS. Mammographic diagnosis of minimal breast cancer. Cancer 1971;28:1519-1526...
In most cases diagnosis of breast cancer in young women in reproductive ages is difficult. The objective of this study was report mammographic findings of breast cancer in women under 35 years old.quot;nPatients and Methods: In this study the present files in storage room of radiology ward of...
There are certain mammographic signs that are subtle, and these account for a significant number of missed cancers. Such subtle signs include small developing densities or findings that are obscured by dense glandular tissue. The mammographic signs of breast cancer and the differential diagnosis are ...
Our objective was to identify the mammographic findings of breast cancer in men.The mammograms of 23 men with proved breast cancer (mean age, 63 years; range, 44-86 years) were retrospectively reviewed. Medical histories included gynecomastia in five, prior cancer in three, and radiation exposure...
Mammographic microcalcifications are considered early signs of breast cancer (BC). We examined the association between microcalcification clusters and the risk of overall and subtype-specific BC. Furthermore, we studied how mammographic density (MD) infl
The raw data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.Abbreviations 3D: Three dimensional BI-RADS: Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System CBBCT: Contrast-enhanced cone-beam breast-CT CC: Cranio-caudal CT: Computed tomography...
cell turnover and contribute to elevation of cfDNA. It is also possible that inflammation caused by a fibroadenoma tumor or other benign inter-lobular hyperplasia findings of existing soft tissue cause the release of cfDNA. As described in a recent meta-analysis and similar to our study, only ...
Purpose Describe mammographic, sonographic and MRI findings of invasive micropapillary carcinoma (IMPC) of the breast. Materials and methods Review of the pathology database identified 43 patients (mean age, 59.3 years) with the diagnosis of breast IMPC. Three patients had no available imaging studie...
Patients who have had cancer in one breast are at high risk for cancer in the contralateral breast. These bilateral cancers may be synchronous or metachronous. If the manifestations on mammography were similar in both breasts, an aggressive search for the mammographic findings of the first breast ...
10.Mammography Findings of Granulomatous Mastitis肉芽肿性乳腺炎的数字钼靶X线表现 11.Analysis of the Misdiagnosis Cases Csused by MO/Rh Mammography乳腺钼铑双靶X线摄片误诊病例分析 12.Molybdenum target mammography Diagnosis of breast cancer:a report of 216 cases of analysis216例乳腺癌的钼靶X线诊断分析 ...