What is the difference between a mammogram vs sonogram- which is best? I had 2 breast biopsies and my numbers came up very high for breast cancer that was July 07 now the Dr wants another mammogram however I understand if you happen to have breast cancer Mammogram is the worst xray to ...
Tell your doctor if you've noticed a change in one of your breasts, especially if your mammogram is interpreted as normal. 如果你注意到你的一边乳房有变化,请告诉你的医生,特别是你的乳房X光成像解释为正常的时候。 But the results so far suggest the CT scan can detect more of a tumor than ...
A better MAMMOGRAM.The article offers information on several tests for the diagnosis of breast cancer including three dimensional mammogram, breast ultrasound also known as sonogram, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It mentions that women who are at high risk for breast cancer or have genetic...