Mamma Mia!: Regia di Phyllida Lloyd. Con Amanda Seyfried, Stellan Skarsgård, Pierce Brosnan, Nancy Baldwin. La storia di una futura sposa che cerca di trovare il suo vero padre, raccontata usando le canzoni popolari del famoso gruppo degli anni '70 AB
Mammamia: Directed by Sandra Nettelbeck. With Christiane Paul, Senta Berger, Peter Lohmeyer, Michael Mendl.
Mamma Mia!: Directed by Phyllida Lloyd. With Amanda Seyfried, Stellan Skarsgård, Pierce Brosnan, Nancy Baldwin. Donna, an independent hotelier, is preparing for her daughter's wedding with the help of two old friends. Meanwhile Sophie, the spirited br
See Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again's production, company, and contact information. Explore Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment pr
【官网】 【原声碟】 【演员】 皮尔斯•布鲁斯南Pierce Brosnan 饰演 / 梅丽尔•斯特里普Meryl Streep 饰演 / 柯林•菲斯Colin Firth 饰演 / 阿曼达•西耶弗里德Amanda Seyfried 饰演 单身母亲唐娜带着女儿索菲亚在希腊一小岛经营旅馆生意,如今索菲亚20岁了,她即将与男朋友斯凯结婚。索菲亚...
See Mamma mia's production, company, and contact information. Explore Mamma mia's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
MAMMA MIA 首演 1999(伦敦) 2001(百老汇) 编剧 Catherine Johnson 类型 音乐剧 目录 1剧情信息 2媒体评价 3经典曲目 4基本信息 编辑本段 剧情信息 《mammamia》讲述了一出关于亲情、友情的喜剧:为了找到自己的亲生父亲,岛上的少女苏菲在自己婚礼的前夕,邀请母亲唐娜的三个前男友回到20年前来过的地方。 序...
【ABBA】妈妈咪呀电影原声Mamma Mia! The Movie Soundtrack... 来自bilibili吧 邻居西蒙 邻居西蒙12-15 11 【好好看看】 妈妈咪呀 梅丽尔, 电影《妈妈咪呀》 片中音乐 1、I HAVE A DREAM---Amanda Seyfried   来自luziasilazixiutai吧 蛤蟆盒子 唐家崴子08-16 0 【音乐喜剧】妈妈咪呀! ABBA的音乐...
Please understand when I say the film version of the Broadway hitMamma Mia!is close to being one of the most annoyingly god-awful movie musicals I have ever had the displeasure of trying to endure I really, truly, 110-percent mean it. This thing didn’t just make me uncomfortable and ...
Mamma_Mia_Meme DareGare --鹹魚--· 2020-10-10 2万1 03:58 【4K MV】Kara -Mamma Mia XIANVXIA· 2021-2-28 42913 03:39 Mamma Mia- ABBA 环球音乐中国· 2020-12-25 30.3万3 02:01 “世风败坏,但好快乐”|《Mamma Mia》|日推歌曲