附件是种子,迅雷离线可秒,用utorrent可能下不来。 如果你不需要roms全集,可以到以下网址下载mame 0.139的单独rom,也可用。 http://kmamek.iptime.org/mamev/index.php?mid=rom_all_mame&pa 1616 mame吧 zlaptx 不同版本你们是在哪里下载的rom》?我0.217的版本在晚上找资源都是十几个G的,没有那种专门的,就...
KeywordsMAME,reproduce arcade,game emulator,ROM emulator,emulator,emulate,ROM,arcade Users' rating (127 rating) Currently 2.04/5 1 2 3 4 5 Add to saved freewareReport spywareDownload MAME - Freeware Download Notice MAME Free Download - we do not host any MAME torrent files or links of MAME ...
You can set certain advanced configuration options in the file _config.txt, each line should be KEY VALUE (TAB separator). StorePathRom - Override default ROM Store directory StorePathDisk - Override default DISK Store directory BitTorrentPath - Override default Bit Torrent directory MameArguments ...
Create a new playlist Playable Fullset and add all games from the playlists you've created at step 3.2. Select all games in the new playlist Playable Fullset and go in Tools > Export/Copy ROM Files from Selected Games to New Folder... and export to a new folder Playable Fullset. This...
Internet Archive has merged romsets which are a bit awkward in that you can’t necessarily just download the game you want. If space isn’t an issue just download the full set. For neogeo and others you’ll need bios files, which are probably on IA as well but I haven’t checked. ...
In the past the best place to get a full up to date Mame rom set was either from PleasureDome which had a complicated application process to gain access and you had to maintain a share ratio to keep access or you went to The Internet Archive and dealt wi
So, I’m still not entirely sure what the romset version is. Is it a file I can download, or are mame roms just a particular romset version and I have to make sure that they’re this .37b5 version? Also, I downloaded a parent rom for one of my games, pacman, and put the zipp...
Since I keep the roms in the same folder I just remove the old set and drop in the new set in. Some users will just run the new torrent against the existing rom folder and it will just download the changed/missing files from the new set. So that is an even easier way. I only ...