And DSM, the Concubine, and I are all yellow dog Democrats (i.e., we’d sooner vote for an old yellow dog (pronounced “yaller dawg”) than a Republican and come to think about it, prolly the Concubine don’t actually know that’s what she is), so this was more of just an opp...
Life is so good. I’ve no desire to live to 100. Nathan and I talk about this a lot (because he wants to, and I vehemently do not). However, I think I’m solidly set for the next 25 years, and looking forward to what comes next. The 50s are going to be my jam!
When you make homemade coconut milk you will see and taste the coconut oil in the milk. The coconut oil will bead up in fresh cold coconut milk (making it easy to extract and use if you want to). Use fresh coconut milk as a beverage, in smoothies, baking (can be used in place of...