Our culture wants you to be a sex vixen that knows every position and also a virgin. Growing up Christian complicates this even more and I’m so, so sorry for that. I wish I could tell you how to work through that but the truth is I still am so I’ll keep you updated on my ...
but also has the best manners. She's super sweet and loving most times and knows how to talk "baby talk" to Sadie. She sings all day long to Mother Goose Club on YouTube and insists on wearing her tutu while dancing to every song. ...
aCharice Pempengco是一位因 Youtube 而成名,迅速走向国际的女歌手。Charice有副天生的金嗓音,她的发音特点是特别雄浑有力,在演唱时能够很自如的进行高低音变换。虽然年龄很小,但其演唱功底和发展潜力却远超绝大多数的欧美一流歌星,加之菲律宾的英语母语背景,她仿唱的欧美著名流行歌曲的水平十分到位,简直与原唱不相...
I have a meeting Saturday with someone who knows how to do this (the aforementioned Andy), and he assures me (repeatedly) that it’s not difficult, and there are lots of advantages. I’m sure there are challenges too, and I won’t lie: I’m apprehensive about that. Home ownership is...
Who We’ve Told About the Pregnancy: Mostly everyone knows. Maternity Clothes: Mostly, but i have sundresses that aren’t really maternity dresses that I am comfortable in – like the one in today’s photo. Stretch Marks: nope, nothing new since the few on my breasts that happened early...
For math I finally switched curriculums for the middle school level, and I have to tell you that if I had to start homeschooling over again, I would use this curriculum from the get-go. (But who knows? It might not have been a good fit when they were six-years-old.) Anyway, he...
Again. (Note to self - teach Ada new song for piano ASAP). My mom is either reading to the kids, making them snacks when I said no snacks or looking up obscure conspiracy theories on Youtube. Amanda is in Bali!! Life is good. Posted by SouleMama on March 24, 2015 in SoulePapa...
Sasquatch(2), however, knows ZERO characters. If he was willing to watch anything that wasn’tRyan’s Toy Review, I’m sure he would have adored the Chinese version of Daddy Finger. (He LOVES that song.) If I hadn’t ruinedSasquatchso early on, I would have used this app instead of...
As you can see, yet again, Citrus Lane is an amazing company with amazing goodies in each box. It is well worth the $25 each month because not only do you get more than your money’s worth in the products you receive, but you also get to be the cool mom that knows the latest an...
12. I’m thankful for small town life, and the way that everyone knows everything about everybody. It’s humbling, kind of scary, and helps you realize that there’s nothing else like small town life in the world. 13. I’m thankful for a warranty on car batteries, because otherwise,...