CHESAPEAKE, Va. (AP) — A mama black bear and three cubs clambered up a tree and napped in the middle of a Virginia neighborhood before voluntarily ambling on hours later, wildlife officials said Tuesday.
It was a mama bear and her two cubs strolling along the Clark Fork River Bed near the Madison Street Bridge. There is absolutely zero confirmation that this family of bears is the same as the ones spotted at the Bonnie Raitt concert, but I like to think it is. One day the family of ...
Parents all over the world are feeling the pain of this mama bear who is just trying to get her cubs across the street safely. These cubs, like all kids, had a different thought in mind and the poor mama was doing all she could to keep her cool and get the kids across the street....
A mother bear and cubs in Katmai National Park in Alaska. Used with Creative Commons license. Listen to this story (6 minutes) Mama bears. The image that comes to mind is a giant female grizzly going berserk upon realizing something or someone has come between her and her baby. My wife ...
There are always two sides to a story. This mother bear really did try to help her cubs across the lake, but there was a strong current running through the lake and ripped to cubs off the mother bear’s back. Alamy Stock Photo
- Boaters in Wisconsin watched in awe as a mama bear swam across a lake -- carrying her three cubs on her back the entire way. Nelda Powers was enjoying a sunset cruise on the Chippewa Flowage in June when she and her friends spotted movement in the lake. The group watched as th...
The Berenstain Bears and the Mama's Day Surprise贝贝熊系列 作者 Stan著Jan Berenstain著 出版社 Random House US 出版时间 2011年12月 第1版 ISBN 9780375811326 定价 37.20 内容简介 Mother’sDayiscoming,andMamaBearknowsthatPapaandthecubsaregoingtosurpriseher.ShealsoknowsthatMother’sDayinthetree...