Child maltreatment is comprised of all abusive or neglectful actions committed by adults against minors. Maltreatment can be classified into the five following types: Physical abuse represents any deliberate use of physical force against a child that constitutes a threat to the child’s health, develo...
pre-trial detention; undertake a study of, and provide information on, abuse andmaltreatmentof children occurring during arrest and detention, and specifically on procedures for notification of custody of minors and for ensuring the right to immediate access to a lawyer and to a doctor of choice....
Within the field of child maltreatment, numerous efforts have been undertaken to define the term and develop a uniform system for classifying the different forms of abuse and neglect. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), for example, recently defined maltreatment as any act of commission or ...
Martin recalled “the abuse of minors you witness or experience […] I was quite lucky that I didn't experience as much […] but of course you witness it, and that harms children or teenagers for the rest of our, their lives.” The potential for harm to child development, health, or...