This growth has caused the jobs market to heat up dramatically. There is a very clear skills shortage which is evidenced by the number of open job opportunities in Malta. The small size of the Maltese population means that there are many jobs in Malta for foreigners as there simply are not...
The 2024 stats exceeded the 2023 numbers, with a 33.3% increase. Over 16,000 foreign nationals received passports and became EU citizens last year. Turkish nationals and Ukrainians were the top two beneficiaries of Citizenship. *Want to migrate to Bulgaria?Sign up with Y-Axisfor complete immigr...
The Identity Agency of Malta has denied allegations that the authority has issued identity cards to foreigners in the country under irregular status. A statement on the matter by the Identity Agency was issued following a report published by Net... Malta Could Be Left Out of Schengen for Not...
With modern infrastructure, fast internet speeds, and secure banking and payment options, the Maltese islands have become a top holiday destination for Europeans and foreigners from around the world. 8. Access to the Maltese healthcare system Despite being a tiny Mediterranean island nation, Malta ...