You can do this by hand (but it will take a long time) or you can use a power sander. It took me about 45 minutes to sand all 6 drawers. This is an essential step that you can’t skip! Use a cloth to throughly dust of the pieces after you sand them. I used a slightly damp...
文件: MALM-CHEST-OF-3-DRAWERS-3color.blend 说明: Blender工具内截图云检查是爱给网根据自动化脚本命令打开模型文件后自动截图生成,主要用于辅助判断预览图和实际模型的一致性。 提示: 由于云检查并不是人工进行的,此项检查存在诸多因素(如视角设置不佳等)导致约有8%的模型还不能很好的展示,因此截图并不能完...