Treatment depends on the severity of the injury.First aidat home includes icing the finger and cleaning and dressing any cuts that may be present. More serious injuries may requirestitchesor surgery. Mallet Finger Self-Care at Home Apply ice to the injured finger joint to reduce swelling and t...
Splinting. Splinting is the first-line treatment for a mallet finger. The goal is to keep the fingertip straight in the splint until the tendon heals. Usually,
The mallet finger deformity is easy to diagnose because the patient is unable to extend the distal phalanx of a finger. A lateral radiograph of the finger usually shows whether this is a fracture-type mallet or a purely tendinous disruption. These injuries are commonly the result of a work-...
Treatment of mallet finger : Niechajev I. A. (1985) Conservative and operative treatment of mallet finger. Plast. Reconstr. Surg.76, 58doi:10.1136/bmj.1.5339.1181Escleroderma Sistêmico###Base de dadosMartinez JS, Durán IG, Solis LR.J...
Conservative versus surgical treatment of mallet finger: a pooled quantitative literature evaluation. BACKGROUND: Although common, mallet finger represents a spectrum of injuries for which there are many questions about the best form of treatment. A long-st... JP Geyman,K Fink,SD Sullivan - 《J...
Blinded, Prospective, Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Volar, Dorsal, and Custom Thermoplastic Splinting in Treatment of Acute Mallet Finger Thomas Goetz.Blinded, Prospective, Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Volar, Dorsal, and Custom Thermoplastic Splinting in Treatment of Acute Mallet Finger[J]......
Miniature Anchor Nail Application in the Treatment ofMalletFinger 微型锚钉在治疗锤状指中的应用 属类:行业术语-中文论文标题- Therapeutic Effect of micro-anchor in ChronicMalletFinger Deformity 微型锚钉治疗陈旧性锤状指畸形的疗效分析 属类:行业术语-中文论文标题- ...
[摘要] 目的 观察陈旧性锤状指患者应用克氏针结合微型骨锚钉治疗的效果,并分析其应用安全性。方法 选取该院2013-01~2015-07收治的陈旧性锤状指患者50例进行研究分析,按治疗方式不同分为两组,其中对照组24例行单纯克氏针内固定肌腱止点缝合治疗,观察组26例行克氏针
Kalainov DM, Hoepfner PE, Hartigan BJ et al. Nonsurgical treatment of closed mallet finger fractures. J Hand Surg 2005 ; 30-A : 580-586.Kalainov DM, Hoepfner PE, Hartigan BJ, Carroll C 4th, Genuario J. Nonsurgical treatment of closed mallet finger frac- tures. J Hand Surg Am 2005;...
A Simple Method of Treatment for Recent Mallet FingerRobert E. Van Demark, M.D., M.S. Orth. Surg., F.A.C.S.The Military Surgeon